Thursday 13 January 2011

Wednesday 12th January

I found the 'Freelancing and Self Employment in Creative Industries' event really interesting and definitely helpful, giving me a clearer outlook on life and art after graduating from university. I suppose it made me think more into what I myself want to do as a career in art, whilst hopefully enjoying it and how I would support myself along the way. It is quite worrying thinking about it now as it's not something I have really thought of previously, so having this talk has made me realise that my time at university will soon pass and I'll have to continue my works alone. I especially enjoyed listening to what previous students are doing as a career, after graduating from university and how they came about getting where they are now as professionals in the industry; either as artists and selling there works or in the business end, helping artists to sell and exhibit there works. Again it was worrying hearing how hard it will be to get in the art industry as not only is it becoming more and more competitive but there are also fewer jobs about for the future graduates.

After the discussion, I became a member on I'm not particularly interested in starting up my own business or becoming self employed but I do want to become more involved and recognised in the arts and to basically give myself a better understanding on whats out there.
I also want to get involved with some form of volunteer work, hopefully relating to art in some way or working with children and students as I am very interested in teaching. I think this would help me become more prepared for leaving university, giving me an insight into how the teaching industry works and simply getting myself out there. It would also look better on my CV for when I am applying for teaching jobs in the near future.

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