Friday 21 January 2011

Friday 21st January

Today we had our first group meeting with Peter Appleton, there are seven of us in total (Myself, Keiran, Rachel, Rhia, Louise, Freya and Will) and we were all hoping to exhibit our work at the 'Wolstenholme Project'. Who have said to the university that they are willing to provide the venue for the exhibition, and so a phone call will be made to hopefully hold the space for us and make a set time to visit the venue as a group to decide on set places for our works and ideas and discuss our plans with them further. We will also present a proposal on the meeting, giving a better insight and understanding of what we would like to do in the space provided. A few of us have worked with this venue in the past and love the space and overall feel and messy approach to art; fitting well with our theme and individual works.

We have begun to identify our group theme as 'Self Awareness and Anxiety'. This links all of our works together as they are all based on a similar subject matter, although expressed in very different ways; providing a range of works and media but still showing us as individual artists. We began to discuss our individual works and what each of us wanted in the space for the exhibition, all ideas vary from works simply hanging on a wall, drawing on a wall, video projection, hanging from the ceilings and set on plinths in an area in the space. We have a strong basis of ideas and I think the contrast between the individual works will flow well together in the 'derelict looking' space and hopefully create a great show for the project. We have also decided on putting together a group blog or facebook page which will include all information and progress on the exhibition and our works as well as our individual thoughts and ideas throughout.

I personally am really excited to get started and involved with the group and venue, It's a great opportunity to get our names and work out there, giving us an insight of what to expect when we finish our degrees.

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