Thursday 13 January 2011

Thursday 13th January

I felt a little releaved after the meeting with Peter today as prior to this I felt like I didn't know what I had to be doing for each of the modules. But after the explanation of what was expected of us and the set dates of completion I'm a little more settled and happy to get stuck into my project and getting my work and ideas out there.

The selected possible venues for our exhibitions are of a great range for most of the students, with spaces held to present small works and drawings to social events and performances. I personally am working more towards an installation piece which links well with the works of the group I am working with in the 'LSAFA2003' module. And so we decided on a space like the 'Wolstenholme Project' or the 'LJMU Students Union' would be much more suitable as they are held for the types of works we are all wanting to exhibit. A meeting will take place next week to decide on which space we will be exhibiting our work, which hopfully will be a possibility.  

I found the selection of works Peter shown really interesting, which he put together a few years back; especially 'Between Wind and Water' which he presented in 1988. He labelled these as clumsy objects but said it wasn't particularly about how the works looked, it was the sound the objects made; which were created from elements of wind and water and the vibration of how these connected. It was interesting to hear that he worked in the oil industry, as it was the structure of the oil rig that inspired him to create the works.

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