Tuesday 25 January 2011

Tuesday 25th January

Another group meeting took place today to discuss our individual proposals to e-mail to the 'Wolstenholme Project'. In the e-mail alongside the proposals we basically explained the theme of our work as a group and what we are hoping for in the exhibition. Alongside asking if we could visit the gallery space on a date available to gain a sense of the building and the space we will be working in.
We still don't know if it is a definite on using the venue but after suggesting their space to our project leader, hopefully they will like our proposals and ideas and allow the show to take place. We are now just waiting on a reply to the e-mail.

My Proposal:

Natasha Fewlass
'Me, Myself and Mind'

The work I intend to produce for this project is based  on myself, control and the struggle between wanting and letting. Using paper and text as the main resource with the addition of sound; I plan to repeat the process of cutting sheets of paper into singular strips containing the words that are repeated uncontrollably in my mind daily. I will hang these strips individually from the ceiling taking up the whole space of the room or corridor I am able to use. The purpose of the work is to invite the viewer to walk in and around the piece, giving them a sense of claustrophobia and an insight into my life and mind.

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