Friday 14 January 2011

Exhibition Ideas

How my work develops and is presented for the exhibition depends on the space we are able to get involved with. Ideally I would like a small room for my work to be presented separately, as I feel it would create a stronger impression and overall outcome than it would in a large room amongst the other works of the group. I will be continuing with the strips of handwritten text hanging individually from the ceiling; expressing my recurring emotions suggestively rather than obvious. I am hoping to produce hundreds of these white strips including the list of words, taking over the whole space of the room with a pathway involving the viewer into the work and my life by leading them to walk through the piece, creating a feeling of anxiety, frustration and claustrophobia; giving them an insight as to how I feel daily about my subject matter. Whilst they make there own interpretation of the work as they move closer around the work, reading the text written on the strips.

I would also like to involve sound into this final piece for the exhibition; aiming more towards a recording of my own voice and trying to capture the process of my everyday thoughts, which is a little more complex than able to explain. At the minute I am thinking that the information contained will vary, including numbers and math, repeated words, and varied sounds; which I think will give more of an insight into what I am trying to express in my work. This would also be edited, maybe speeding up and slowing down sections of the recording, muffling parts or making sections louder and quieter. This would be played into the room with my hanging strips, although I would like it to be played quietly so that the viewer will have to listen carefully whilst walking around the piece, and hopefully taking in the information without it giving too much away, as I would like my audience to have their own opinion of what the work represents.

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