Thursday 27 January 2011

Individual Tutorial

I had my one on one with Miguel this morning, to basically explain my plans, more recent ideas and what I am planning on putting together for the group exhibition but as we spoke earlier in the week he was pretty much up to date with were I am with my work at the minute. Although I took this time to explain my thoughts of bringing my black and white imagery of my body back into the work, I feel it will give the overall piece that 'thing' that was missing; hanging in strips, amongst the text, the imagery may give the viewer that little bit more information on what the work is about and adding interest. Having got a positive response from this idea, I have more confidence in doing so. Although at this point I'm not to sure of how much of the strips of imagery to include; whether its in a section of the room so the viewer will come across it when exploring the space or incorporated randomly or in an order amongst the strips of text. I will experiment with these further to see which works best; ready for the group tutorials.  

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