Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Still Experimenting

Still experimenting with my strips of photography and text; I am thinking of other ways in which the work can be presented whilst still playing with past ideas.

In this particular piece, I hand wrote every word and thought that came to mind at this point in my development, on white paper and simply cut into strips using the same process of the previous strips. Tieing these strips together,I decided to hang this piece from a fixture in the ceiling, simply using thread. I like the idea of a single piece taking over a larger space with nothing else to distract the viewer from that image. I found the idea of hanging the strips interesting alone as just like past Ideas; the listed words incorporated are mixed and wrapped and so all still cant be read and understood. But the hanging of the text shows me letting go almost, just like other ideas....its not tightly wrapped like the 'balls of photography' which represented my control of this situation.
I am deffinitely moving on which I am sure my work and Ideas will begin to show this change.

If I decide to take this idea further, the text may be changed and applied in a different way and imagery may be incorporated. Alongside the size of the idea will be much larger...taking over a larger space and creating more of an environment for myself and the viewer.

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