Liverpool Biennial Touched
Liverpool Tate
I was really looking forward to seeing the work exhibited at the Tate gallery, although I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected I would. Don't get me wrong, all of the work shown was really interesting and all were unique with great ideas but there was only two pieces which I loved and are still stuck in my mind; Wannes Goetschalckx '1 WITHOUT' and Eva Kot 'atkova 'Rudolf's Room'.
I found Wannes Goetschalckx ideas incredible. I love everything about the work and enjoyed watching each individual video clip repeatedly, also finding them quite funny. I liked how the small televisions were displayed in the room, scattered in different directions and making the viewer walk around to see each clip, becoming more involved in the work. I especially enjoyed his live performance in the work, which I didn't realise at first untill I heard him moving about inside the space in the centre of the piece. It was quite entertaining to watch his incorporation, and just like 'Sachiko Abe in Cut Paper', he seemed to be in a transe like state, focusing on the repetition of the task and his reasoning behind it.
I felt I really connected with Eva kot 'atkova's 'Rudolfs Room', I found it quite an emotional piece, wether this was meant from the work or not; not so much the set up of the bedroom in front of me but the description and story behind the work itself....I could picture the story as I was reading, becoming absorbed into the piece, and examining each object in the room.
The work definitely had a possitive impact on me, not so much effecting my own work but I was still thinking about the work for a few days after.
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