Wednesday 1 December 2010

Hanging the strips

Continuing with my strips of text, In this piece I again hand wrote the words which came to mind on my subject matter at that point in my development. Inspired by Nicholas Hlobo who filled a room with colourful ribbons hanging from a false ceiling, for the Liverpool Biennial Touched exhibition.

I decided on hanging my strips of text individually in a row. I like the combination between the order of the strips at the top of the piece and the chaotic pile on the floor; linking well with my previous works and ideas.
If this idea is to be taken further, I would fill a room with these hanging strips of text, leading the viewer to walk trough the piece giving a feeling of frustration and claustrophobia, (Relating to how I feel about my subject matter in everyday life) whilst they take in what the work represents as they move closer and read the text written on the strips.

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