Thursday 28 April 2011

Introspective Exhibition

Natasha Fewlass
'Me, Myself and Mind'

This piece is based on myself, control and the struggle between wanting and letting. Using paper and text as the main resource with the addition of sound; the cutting process is a symbol expressing the repetitive system, insecurities and over excessive management of my daily routine...admitting yet still hiding. I have repeated the process of cutting 2000 sheets of paper into singular strips containing the written words that are repeated uncontrollably in my mind daily. These strips are hung individually, taking over the space of the room inviting and leading you, the viewer into the piece. The purpose of the work is to intentionally give a sense of claustrophobia and an insight into my life and mind; whilst allowing the viewer to interpret the meaning of the piece rather than being told.

Louise Hastings
'Retrospection & Introspection'

Trinkets and bric-a-brac hold a resonance of the past, they can inspire recollection even in a person who has never before been in contact with them. I have created a series of physical assemblages, which initially serve to create a sense of curiosity, but upon the viewer's further consideration, they are challenged to look introspectively to their own past, drawing out memories and narratives.

 Rachel Armstrong
'Irrational thought process'

A film installation exploring the physical and emotional effects of anxiety.

The four minute installation is split into three projected layers, each layer symbolises a different aspect of anxiety.
1. Reality
2. The physical effects
3. The effect anxierty has on the mind
Keiran Harris
I have created this work with the intentions of coming to terms with being ultimately left with a creative gift and at the time understanding that there are times when you can become uninspired, challenged and undetermined. This work is heavily based around my father walking out and leaving me troubled with little or no understanding  at times, asking questions and ultimetely becoming confused, realising the best way to answer these questions is to create artwork. These works are heavily focused on collage and expressing mark making, I feel these can best represent the precise thought and feelings I have had during this creative experience.

Rhia Brennan

As part of the Introspective exhibition, for the past three months I have been based in the Student Union building. My on-going presence here has influenced me to engage in a range of projects and create work based on the particlarities and conditions of this space, mainly focusing on the student bar area where most socialising and interaction happens. Some of my work has included investigating the changes in my daily routine by visiting the union, experimenting with the social aspects of the area by recording parts of conversation from a range of different people and making changes in the layout of the space and recording the reactions of audience. My rationale for the work was to simply engage and inhabitat my space, therefore allowing me to be influenced by the conditions of the union to create the work. Throughout this time I have sound recorded

students conversations in the union, documenting dialogues, presented questions to the audience, videoed my route to the bar and re-arranged tables and chairs.
Freya Addey

An accumilation of excessive over thinking and anxiety driven prattling realised in literal form. A self indulgent project used to absolve feelings of culpability and repentance by using the process of writing.

Hannah Boulter
'Team, Legends, Price (2011)

Inspired by the competative nature of computer gaming, Team, Legends and Price explore the theme of self-image through online aliases and connections.

Yvonne Williams

In this space I have documented numerous diary enteries from myself and others and used them in one continuous decleration. It represents various emotions from myself and from others who have experienced similar situations that I have for example, leaving home, being in new environments which you are not necessarily comfortable with and also shows how it can trigger the reactions of other peoples feelings. The space plays a huge part in the staging of my work as it is an environment where the viewers can participate and interact with. The spae is not only beneficial for me but also you as it gives you the opportunity to express how you may be feeling or have felt on a related experience, it doesn't have to be about a specific situation but can be a reflection of how you felt in a stage of your life.
Tom Beach

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