Wednesday 23 March 2011

Assessment Preperation

I decided upon writing a script like formation of notes to read during my assessment to prevent me from forgetting to explain any information on the exhibition or about my recent ideas and plans, reading:

'I spoke to Miguel yesterday as I wanted a space to set up an insight into my installation piece ready for this mornings assessment; although he told me not to do this as he and the majority are aware of what I propose to put together for the exhibition, and so is unnecessary waisted time. And so I will explain my proposal.
On a more recent visit to the room that I am exhibiting my piece, the space is much larger than I originally thought and so I decided on producing 500 more of my paper strips, totalling to 2000; which I have cut up and bagged ready to put up for the exhibition. Making sure that the room is filled without too much space between each set up; excluding the pathway which will lead the viewer through the piece.

My intention is to only allow one person at a time into the room and space as I want to avoid the temptation of any discussion, with only their own individual thoughts and opinions of the piece to think about, and no distraction from the sound which will be playing throughout the room. The sound recordings of myself and my doings that I edited together using the Audacity programme, have now been transferred onto an Mp3 hard drive and onto a disc, as I am still unsure as to which media I am going to use. However the chosen device will not be seen either way; it depends on which sounds better overall.

To restrict the light entering the room from the small windows and the light fittings in the ceiling, I will be covering these securely using white card board, measured to fit to remain disguised within the room. I am doing this purposely as I want the room to remain quite dark although light enough for the writing and imagery on the strips to be read and for the viewer to see the pathway clearly. Therefore I have bought ten spot lights which will be placed amongst the pile of paper strips on the floor of the pathway so that the light will shine upwards, lighting up the work; creating a reflection and shadowing amongst the installation.

I am in a group of nine people, with work that varies from installation, sound and video, performance and wall art, all along the theme of 'Self Reflection'; giving a subject focus area for the show. We are holding the exhibition at the Student Union on the 26th and 27th April. Although we are able to have use the space for two days prior to prepare for the show and put together our works. We will mainly be using the large conference rooms on the upstairs of the building which are originally used for areas of meeting. However because the space and walls are very minimal, it's ideal for the most of our individual works; although other areas of the building will be used to prevent the other works, either using the walls or selected spaces.

We have our advertisement posters and leaflets designed which will be distributed across the university, throughout the Student Union on the outside and in and on the Student Union radio station. We will also be sending invites through facebook and individually to friends and family; hoping to attract a mixed audience. This will be done on the Monday on returning back to university after the two week break; anytime before seemed a little too soon, dragging on the wait to the exhibition.'

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