Wednesday 9 March 2011

Amy MacDonough & Blu Firth

The presentation given to us by Amy MacDonough & Blue Firth was definitely interesting to say the least. Starting with their own individual works; which were quite similar in subject matter and relation but completely different in art form and result. From the examples of work shown to us, Amy MacDonough is a performance artist; mostly video based, with the varied incorporation of her acting, singing, directing and editing in the films....Showing many skills. The video practice captures found footage, stories (interoperated in different ways) and the collective memories from her childhood in the 1980's; which for viewing, may be more familiar to some than others. For me, most of the stories were unfamiliar as I was born in the 1990's. I cant say that I particularly found her video pieces interesting, (well, they are interesting but not something I would choose to explore into further)  but I love the context behind the work and how it relates to herself and her close family. I especially enjoyed listening to her explain the work and her reasons behind doing it; it always gives me pleasure to hear someone talk passionately about their studies and been a developing student its interesting to hear how they have proudly got to were they are now. I was mostly interested in the sound incorporated into a number of the films, specifically in 'Race Memories: Prologue' were she sings a nursery rhyme from her childhood beautifully throughout alongside the black and white film footage. Exploring video in different ways, the sincere sound linked well with the acted out scenes of memories and found footage....although in this piece, I wasn't aware of the story behind it, but for some reason didn't seem necessary.

Blu Firth, as I am aware, is an installation/ sculptural artist; working mostly site specifically, outside of the gallery space. She stated that she had unknown views on what an artist was and didn’t particularly want a career in art, but was mostly interested in design
, graphics especially; which I picked up on in a selection of her works. Although I can't say that I've kept in mind a piece of her work specifically, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the for most of them but to me there didn't seem to be much of an explanation to what I was seeing. However I found her interests behind the work quite intriguing, especially towards history and her love for Goth, horror, medieval and especially the 'Stone Henge' which she referred back to a number of times.

Continuing my studies onto a Post-graduate course is something I have been thinking of doing after my degree for a long time now, and after hearing graduate students from the Royal Academy Schools in London talk about their exeriences and achievements, it has definitely made me consider further. I especially like the sound of the course they attended in London; which I will most definitely be looking further into.

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