Monday 28 February 2011

Monday 28th February

With still no reply to my e-mails from Jess Green (a member of the student union), further plans have not been able to take place in our group as we have a number of questions and ideas which need to be discussed with Jess herself in order to get a better understanding of what we are working with; we have also been wanting to visit the space again as a group to set spaces and become more aware. And so after a lecture this morning, a few of us from the group visited Peter Appleton at his office and explained our concerns and a phonecall was made to the Union. Jess was in a meeting at this point and so we are waiting on a phonecall back in order to arrange a meeting. I myself am getting worried with the whole process now as the dates are getting nearer, but Peter said not to as everything is sorted. We just basically need to get our decisions together and get on with it. In the mean time, I am going to put together designs for leaflets and posters for the advertisment of our group exhibition which will be mass produced when finalised; ensuring that as many people as possible will see the event and hopfully be interested enough to visit the venue. It was also mentioned that the Student Union have a radio station and so further advertisments for the exhibition could be anounced on air...alongside our own facebook invites and individual invites to friends and family.

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