Thursday 10 February 2011

Group Crit

I always enjoy the group meetings; not only for the interesting feedback always received from the group and the tutor about your own work, which in most cases gives you that little bit of confidence with a push in the right direction. But I enjoy the insight into everyone else's work, listening to what they are doing or leading towards and how they go about doing it. Its interesting to see the range of ideas and different opinions given for each piece of work and can sometimes give you an idea or introduce an artist that you never knew existed.

I basically explained to the group what I am doing at the minute with this project and how my work and ideas have developed from the last discussion; including the latest addition of my sound piece and the basis that my installation will be taking up the space of a room, inviting the viewer into the work. I then went on to explaining the space in which we will be holding our exhibition, which at the minute is 'The Student Union' (although still may change as we are still not completely happy as a group with the space) and the problems we had with our first choice venue, 'The Wolstenholme Project'. I simply went on to discussing my work in a broader narrative and what I hope to get from the exhibition.

Miguel was very positive in response to my ideas and what I am aiming to put together for the final piece, adding that he has no doubt that the work as a whole will work great in the exhibition. He also introduced me to the artists 'Steve Reich' and 'Robert Morris', who came to mind when listening to my sound piece. The works he talked about sound very interesting and could link well with what I am doing and so I will be looking further into these later. He also made me think about the audiences response to the work and how it is a crucial part to the end of the project to gain some understanding and knowledge of the viewers interpretation to the work and what they get from it instead of me assuming that they understand and agree with my reasoning's behind the installation and how I have gone about doing it.

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