Friday 4 February 2011

Friday 4th February

As planned, another group meeting with Peter took place today to discuss progress with the exhibition venue and our individual works. We have decided against holding our exhibition at the Wolstenholme venue as the dates the space is available isn't a possibility for a number of the group members and so we have moved towards our second option; the Student Union. This space is also ideal, although our meeting at the Student Union to visit the space and discuss plans isn't until Tuesday and so we couldn't explain what we want to do with the space we are now hoping to hold our exhibition. However dates were discussed and due to assessment dates, easter holidays and trips four members of the group are taking; possible dates are limited. And so the appropriate date for the opening of the exhibition would be Thursday 24th March- Saturday 26th March and hopefully we will get the space from the Monday to begin the set up of our works.

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