Wednesday 16 February 2011

Assessment Point One (Practice and Publication)

First of all I want to start by saying that I took some great pictures of the finished piece for the assessment, purposely for this post but because I am such an 'idiot' I accidental deleted them whilst arranging the order and so all that can be shown for now is just the act of me setting the strips up as I have now taken the work down *sigh*.

However I feel that the assessment overall went well; I basically explained how I am going to set the work up in the room for the exhibition, (obviously to a much larger scale than shown today taking up the whole space of the room) along with the sound piece and other factors. In the exhibition, the room will have no main light on like it did today but will have separate spot lights around the floor of the room; in my opinion creating a stronger illusion focusing more so on the pathway leading the viewer through the piece, whilst keeping the room quite dark. Also, today I simply played the sound piece from my laptop but for the exhibition I will have transferred this media onto a small mp3 player with three speakers hidden in each corner of the space as I don't want any of this seen by the viewer, or by myself! It wouldn't look particularly great. I also mentioned a recent idea of incorporating the ticking sound of a clock, either incorporated into the sound piece or standing separate on its own but still hidden. This came to mind as time has a majour part of my eating pattern, making me feel anxious at times. I feel embarrassed writing this as its stupid but it's out of my control. the mind is a powerful thing, over ruling the body; being the main focus point of this project.

At the minute I am feeling very confident about my work and the exhibition as I received some great feedback from both Miguel and Peter, especially from the incorporation of my sound piece, which was said to work perfectly together with the set up of the visual; because of the link between the words, order and the repetitive process whilst also creating a strong contrast between the delicate paper strips and the more obvious effects from the sound.

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