Thursday 28 October 2010

Friday 24th September

Liverpool Biennial Touched
Fact Visit

I've always found this gallery space interesting, I like the layout and space of the building, it has a friendly atmosphere and being quite small, the space isn't overwhelming; alongside the cinema screenings which makes it different from any other. But I found the talk at the beginning of the visit gave me further insight into FACT and how the community is a strong part of their ideas, incorporating and involving them into their projects.

Tehching Hsieh's 'One Year Performance' definitely had a positive impact on me. I found the whole experience of the room fascinating, the idea and the experimentation was beyond anything I have seen. I felt drawn to the work as I walked around the room, I especially loved the delicate presentation of the polaroid photograthsand the section in the centre of the room in which displayed his statement and a list of the things he did to make the work a success.

These works have made me look at art totally differet, the ideas and different works I have seen recently have inspired me to do so much more with my own works. This piece has had more of a positive impact on me, its shown me how ranged art can be and that anything can be done when you put your heart into it.

Kaarina Kaikkonen's 'Hanging onto each other' is an installation creating spaces within spaces, where the artist herself is trying to understand herself in the process. 'Healing, care and unconditional love' I love what the piece represents.
This is another piece I found fascinating and is the first piece seen on entering the building, giving a great first impression. I love how something really quite simple can have such a strong, personal, hidden meaning. Again I love how this artist has used the public to create the work, incorporating many other memories, including her own.
I like how the work is still personal, taking inspiration from her childhood memories; her fathers jacket and mothers shoes. But it still takes its form by local donors, incorporating their memories. Her two pieces make it her own memory.
The presentation of the clothes is definitely powerful and eye catching...taking over a large space. This could be experimented with in the different spaces the work is exhibited.
I suppose this piece has impacted on my work a little, showing me variations of presentation. I was thinking of using clothing in the project I am working on at the minute and so may take the inspiration from her ideas further into my studies.

Minouk Lim's HD vidio and sound projection 'The weight of Hands' has no connection to my work at the minute but I found the vidio highly interesting, although nothing I would usually look at.
I found the piece quite poetic to watch, I was drawn to colour use and editing of the vidio which I also found quite strange but something I had to continue watching. I loved the choice of music, the beats were relaxing and hypnotic almost and later on in the day the beats were still in my head, giving the work a stronger outcome.

Tehching Hsieh 'One Year Performance'

Kaarina Kaikkonen 'Hanging onto Each Other'

Minouk Lim 'The weight of Hands'

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