Wednesday 27 October 2010

As a starting point to this project I began exploring how attitudes towards ‘size zero’ have an impact on wider social environments. Initially looking into eating disorders and the fixation with being super skinny, alongside the issues making this problem a major concern, such as; magazines and airbrushing, constant diet advertisements and constant reminders of what is seen as the ‘perfect body’.
Alongside relying significantly on my own personal experiences and how the subject is perceived in general, taking it further into my own issues, the conflict exposed because of it, and how differently emotions are expressed and dealt with in different environments...trying to achieve awareness and understanding to everyone around me as well as myself.
I will be incorporating text into my work, personally involving my varying thoughts and feeling s on my situation into my studies as well as found resources.

Experimenting with colour, found images and text, collage and layoring, emulsion prints and stencelling.

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